3 questions to Arnold Kunkiel, Senior Sales Manager at Seven Senders

November 4, 2020
3 questions to Arnold Kunkiel, Senior Sales Manager at Seven Senders

What does the role of a Senior Sales Manager at Seven Senders look like? Find out in our interview with Arnold Kunkiel!

Please describe your job as Senior Sales Manager at Seven Senders! What does a typical working day look like for you?

I have daily contact with well-known companies from a wide range of industries. Since every company as well as every industry has special requirements, I am always faced with new challenges. In order to meet these in the best possible way, it is necessary to work out a tailor-made concept for each customer. This means that I talk through what expectations and goals the customer has in close consultation with them. I delve so deep into the subject matter that I fully understand the customer’s internal outbound logistics and can suggest suitable solutions.

My daily work consists of understanding how shipping currently works for individual online shops. Based on this and in coordination with several departments, I work out a new and attractive solution internally to convince the respective online shop of our solution.

Hintergrund„What fascinates me most is the idea of the Seven Senders platform. Shippers only have one interface and are therefore able to implement a multi-carrier solution internationally. This is the optimal solution.“
Arnold Kunkiel, Senior Sales Manager



What challenges are you currently facing in terms of cross-border shipping and the upcoming Peak Season?

As is well known, the Corona pandemic is leading to a large growth in e-commerce. At the same time, it means that parcel service providers are working at over 100% capacity and delivery performance is suffering. In addition, there is the Peak Season with Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas. A large number of shippers, therefore, contact us and ask for suitable and reliable alternatives, especially for cross-border shipping. In my opinion, everyone should protect themselves by taking a broad approach and working with specialists:

When I send out parcels, I look for a parcel service that performs according to my requirements. Here I can think of features such as delivery time, price, parcel shop density, acceptance by the recipient, etc.

At Seven Senders we take a very charming route: unlike the norm, we take the shortcut and drive directly abroad from the shipper. The customer’s parcels are collected daily by Seven Senders and in some cases even delivered on the same day directly to the local parcel service abroad. This enables us to provide added value in terms of time, cost, and quality.

On the service side, our analytics tool, which we also make available to our customers, enables us to monitor the performance of all parcel services. In this way, our customers work with the most reliable carrier in each country. Especially in the exceptional Corona situation, it is all the more important that our customers are informed directly and proactively as soon as delivery difficulties are detected. This gives shippers optimum control over their supply chain.

What fascinates you most about your work at Seven Senders?

What fascinates me most is the idea of the Seven Senders platform. Shippers only have one interface and are therefore able to implement a multi-carrier solution internationally. On top of that, there are many services that support the sender as well as satisfy the end customer. We have received several awards for this. It is more than exciting to be on board and to contribute to the growth of this journey.

Thanks to the aggregated knowledge of all employees we are able to make the best possible decisions and develop new solutions. By this I mean that we do not have a single concept and try to impose it rigidly on everyone. On the contrary: we are extremely customer-centered and expand our range of services if the customer wishes so.

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