Improve the delivery experience with technology and convenience

October 5, 2021
Improve the delivery experience with technology and convenience

In order to offer a customer experience on par with the big online marketplaces and gain an advantage over direct competitors, improving the delivery experience is more important than ever. 

A study examining users’ reasons for shopping on Amazon underlined the extent to which customers focus on the delivery experience. Of those surveyed, 8 out of 10 gave fast and free delivery as the most important reason (79.8%). By comparison, only half (49.2%) considered price the key factor, and just 42% felt Amazon offered the best digital shopping experience.

It is not a question of offering the same service experience as Amazon or other major marketplaces. However, it is important is to learn from their strategies, adapting quickly to changing consumer preferences – particularly concerning the delivery experience. A YouGov survey carried out on behalf of Seven Senders underscores how important the delivery experience is to online consumers. The study found that 40% of European customers would shop elsewhere next time if they experienced delivery issues. If online retailers want to offer the perfect shopping experience, it is crucial to avoid leaving any negative impressions.

The delivery experience is more important than ever to consumers

Using technology to improve the delivery experience

Ensuring an optimal delivery experience is a major business case, as customer satisfaction depends on a successful delivery experience. Technology can help improve this delivery experience. And, importantly, satisfied customers tend to become regular customers.

Today’s consumers expect retailers to use technology to create an enjoyable and positive customer experience and optimize convenience. A study by AB Tasty on success criteria in the “Experience Economy” underlines this: 74% of those surveyed wanted businesses to use existing technologies to create a better customer experience.

Proactive communication for greater customer satisfaction

Imagine your delivery is delayed, and no one lets you know. Many online stores fail to seize the opportunity to increase customer satisfaction through proactive communication.  Customers like to be kept in the loop during each phase of the delivery process – preferably via multiple channels, including email, SMS, and tracking pages. A mobile tracking page, or order status page, keeps customers up to date on the progress of their delivery–and can drive traffic back to your shop's website.

The YouGov survey carried out on behalf of Seven Senders shows how relevant this is. Respondents were most interested in receiving notifications on whether or not their parcel was shipped (74%) when their parcel is out for delivery (57%) and whether it has been delayed or is on schedule (54%). Keeping customers engaged throughout the delivery phase creates a positive customer experience, thus increasing customer retention.

A tech-forward digitized returns process creates more convenience and increases customer satisfaction.

Creating a more convenient returns process

Consumers see returning goods as a normal part of the delivery experience and want the returns process to be straightforward and convenient. But how can online retailers design the returns process to score points with consumers and create convenience with technology?

A convenient returns process includes multiple and easily accessible drop-off points. A digital returns portal that allows customers to start the return process themselves, for example, with downloadable labels, is also proving to be particularly important. Compared to return labels enclosed in packages, this is also a more sustainable returns solution. Trackable returns with status updates and quick refunds increase customer loyalty through a positive delivery experience.

A tech-forward and convenient delivery experience supports international growth

A customer-centric, data-driven approach can turn the delivery experience into a competitive advantage. The Seven Senders delivery platform offers customized bundle solutions to help e-commerce businesses establish an optimized customer delivery experience and returns management. With one partner, you can easily manage the complexity of cross-border shipping in Europe and have access to everything you need to expand into new markets.

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